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  • First Aid Manual 11th Edition

    About First Aid Manual 11th Edition

    The UK’s only fully authorised first aid guide, this book is used as the official training manual for the UK’s leading first aid organisations’ courses.

    This updated manual covers all aspects of first aid at work, home, and in the field. Using clear, up-to-date information, step-by-step photography, and simplified diagrams, anyone can be prepared for any medical emergency.

    This essential manual was written and endorsed by all three of the UK’s leading first aid providers – St John Ambulance, St Andrew’s Ambulance Association, and British Red Cross. Inside, you will discover:

    – Quick-reference emergency first aid section
    – Learn every life-saving technique you need to know
    – Clear anatomy and physiology sections help the reader understand treatment priorities
    – Every condition clearly explained with causes, symptoms, and signs (how to recognise the condition), as well as step-by-step action plans
    – Informative photography throughout shows the reader exactly what to do in any situation and new simple, accessible illustrations that clearly show vital information
    – How to manage first aid in pandemic conditions, what to do in a terrorist incident as well as the latest guidelines on resuscitation, and delivering first aid for patients during a mental health crisis

    The 11th edition of this essential first aid guide provides expert advice on how to treat a wide range of medical issues, including how to treat babies and children. First aiders will learn how to attend to over 100 different conditions from splinters, sprained ankles to unresponsive casualties, and how to use essential equipment.

    Discover the best ways to manage a situation safely and how to assess sick and injured people effectively. This first aid book is set up with easy-to-understand anatomy sections that explain the risks involved with particular injuries or conditions. Discover every life-saving technique you need to know with step-by-step photography, all shot in-situ to reflect real-life situations. It also includes updated illustrations redrawn in the simplest, clearest style to focus on the vital information you need to know in a crisis.

    Sh 3,000.00
  • Hutchison’s Clinical Methods International Edition, 25th Edition

    Sir Robert Hutchison first published his textbook on Clinical Methods in 1897 and this latest edition maintains its reputation as the go-to guide to learn the core skills every clinician needs in their everyday practice.


    Medical students and doctors in training will find essential guidance to taking a full history, examining a patient and interpreting the findings. They will learn the art of understanding, contextualising, communicating and explaining, with the doctor-patient relationship firmly at the centre of their practice. These skills remain essential for every doctor, in addition to modern investigative methods.


    The book covers basic principles, different patient groups and all the main body systems. Each chapter includes relevant clinical methods and offers guidance for appropriate investigations. New methods and investigations are incorporated into established patterns of clinical practice to offer a fully integrated approach.


    This award-winning textbook remains as relevant today as ever and will be treasured by doctors at all levels of training and practice as an outstanding source of learning and reference.

    Key Features
      • All chapters carefully reviewed and updated to reflect modern practice


      • Written by experts in their field and reviewed by an International Advisory Board – content is relevant to a wide international readership including in the Indian sub-continent, the Middle East and Africa



      • Covers all the main body systems, including the core areas of respiratory, cardiological, gastrointestinal, neurological and locomotor systems



      • Text organised by system and problem to aid navigation



      • Chapters can be read individually, to avoid duplication and need for cross-referencing



      • Tabulated information and diagrams for clarity and conciseness



      • Tailored to student needs but suitable for doctors at all levels of training and practice



      • Winner of multiple awards, including the BMA book awards



      • New appendix describing the clinical features of COVID-19


    Author Information
    Edited by Michael Glynn, MA, MD, FRCP, FHEA, Consultant Physician, Gastroenterologist and Hepatologist, Barts Health NHS Trust; Honorary Senior Lecturer, Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry; Former National Clinical Director for GI and Liver Diseases, NHS England and William M Drake, DM FRCP, Consultant Physician/Reader in Medicine, Department of Endocrinology, St Bartholomew’s Hospital, London, UK
    Sh 6,370.00
  • Mims’ Medical Microbiology and Immunology, International Edition, 7th Edition

    MIMS’ Medical Microbiology and Immunology is loved internationally for its thorough yet easy-to-follow coverage of microbiology, infectious diseases, and immunology as a dynamic interplay between microbes and host. Covering the fundamentals of these closely linked disciplines, MIMS’ takes a systems approach to elaborate on epidemiology, clinical presentation, pathogenesis, and diagnostic approaches, as well as treatment and infection control considerations, supplemented by case-based examples. Complex scientific and clinical concepts are explained clearly and simply with the help of illustrations and a range of accompanying online content. Students will come away with a deep understanding of topics and processes, and will return to this book for reference time and again.
    Key Features
    • Clear writing and easy-to-understand explanations – perfect for students learning to grasp the fundamentals of both microbiology and immunology
    • User-friendly format with colour coding, key concept boxes, and dynamic illustrations for easy navigation
    • Organised by body system – goes beyond the ‘bug parade’ to help you understand clinical context
    Author Information
    By Richard Goering, BA MSc PhD, Professor and Chair, Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology, Creighton University School of Medicine, Omaha, Nebraska.; Hazel M. Dockrell, BA (Mod) PhD, Professor of Immunology, Faculty of Infectious and Tropical Diseases, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK; Mark Zuckerman, BSc(Hons), MBBS, MRCP, MSc, FRCPath, Consultant Virologist and Honorary Senior Lecturer, South London Specialist Virology Centre, King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, King’s College London School of Medicine, London, UK; Peter L. Chiodini, BSc, MBBS, PhD, FRCP, FRCPath, FFTM, RCPS(Glas), Consultant Parasitologist, Hospital for Tropical Diseases, London and Honorary Professor, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK
    Sh 5,642.00
  • Myles Textbook for Midwives African Edition, 3rd Edition

    The  edition of this seminal textbook, Myles Textbook for Midwives, has been extensively revised and restructured to ensure that it reflects current midwifery practice, with an increased focus on topics that are fundamental to midwifery practice today. The book comes with Elsevier EVOLVE ancillaries – an online learning package which consists of 500 self-assessment questions and answers and a fully downloadable image bank.

    • Designed to enable midwifery practitioners to provide safe and competent care, which is tailored to the patient’s individual needs


    • Extensively illustrated to assist visual learning with additional ‘pull out’ textboxes to highlight key information


    • Streamlined chapters with similar themes and approach help consolidate learning


    • Reflects all modern midwifery curricula by presenting a strong emphasis on evidenced-based practice and the use of technology


    • Over 500 on-line multiple-choice questions to enable readers to test their knowledge


    • Offers a full image bank of downloadable illustrations to assist with personal projects and/or further learning

    • References, Further Reading and Useful Websites promote further learning

    • Glossary of Terms and Acronyms provide simple definitions of more complex terminologies
    • Full colour illustrations now used throughout the book, in response to student feedback

    • Contains many new chapters, some of which are authored by members of the multi-professional team

    • Up-to-date guidance on professional regulation, midwifery supervision, legal and ethical issues, risk management and clinical governance

    • Recognition that midwives increasingly care for women with complex health needs, in a multicultural society

    • Examination of the dilemmas involved in caring for women with a raised body mass index

    • Chapter on optimising care of the perineum for women with perineal trauma, including those who have experienced female genital mutilation

    • Guidance to support the trend for midwives to undertake the neonatal physical examination of the healthy term infant 

    • Additional coverage of basic neonatal resuscitation
    Sh 4,914.00
  • Myles Textbook for Midwives, International Edition, 17th Edition

    Written by midwives for midwives, Myles Textbook for Midwives has been the seminal textbook of midwifery for over 60 years. It offers comprehensive coverage of topics fundamental to 21st midwifery practice. Co-edited for the second time, by internationally renowned midwife educationalists, Professor Jayne E Marshall and Maureen D Raynor from the United Kingdom with a team of contributors from across the midwifery community it retains its clear, accessible writing style. Most chapters provide useful case studies, websites of key organisations and charities for individuals to access further information. Reflective questions at the end of each chapter as well as annotated further reading aid reflective learning and stimulate discussions relating to continuing professional development.

    Key Features
      • The book covers key frameworks that govern midwifery practice, exploring ethical and legal frameworks that are essential to every accountable, autonomous, professional midwife.


      • Includes employer-led models of supervision, vital elements of leadership and clinical governance that supports the provision of high quality maternity services and standards of midwifery practice.



      • The concept of resilience is introduced for the reader to contemplate their personal contribution in creating an environment that is conducive to protecting the wellbeing of themselves and colleagues within the workplace.



      • The text covers the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, highlighting the importance of midwives as global citizens with common goals, and together they form a strong global community prepared to challenge social inequalities and take action to help end extreme poverty.



      • Covers designing and implementing high quality midwifery care using evidence, policy and models of care. Highlights why a holistic and evidence-informed approach is necessary to achieve effective care for all. Working examples will help the reader to think critically about their own practice.



      • For this edition several new chapters are introduced covering concealed pregnancy, fear of childbirth (tocophobia), care of the acutely unwell woman and end of life issues including rights of the fetus/neonate and ethical considerations.


    Author Information
    Edited by Jayne E. Marshall, FRCM, PFHEA, PhD, MA, PGCEA, ADM, RM, RN, Foundation Professor of Midwifery and NMC Lead Midwife for Education, School of Allied Health Professions, College of Life Sciences, George Davies Centre, University of Leicester, UK and Maureen D. Raynor, MA PGCEA ADM RMN RN RM, Senior Lecturer (Midwifery), De Montfort University, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Leicester, UK
    Sh 5,642.00
  • Netter Atlas of Human Anatomy: Classic Regional Approach, International Edition, 8th Edition

    For students and clinical professionals who are learning anatomy, participating in a dissection lab, sharing anatomy knowledge with patients, or refreshing their anatomy knowledge, the Netter Atlas of Human Anatomy illustrates the body, region by region, in clear, brilliant detail from a clinician’s perspective. Unique among anatomy atlases, it contains illustrations that emphasize anatomic relationships that are most important to the clinician in training and practice. Illustrated by clinicians, for clinicians, it contains more than 550 exquisite plates plus dozens of carefully selected radiologic images for common views.


    Key Features
      • Presents world-renowned, superbly clear views of the human body from a clinical perspective, with paintings by Dr. Frank Netter as well as Dr. Carlos A. G. Machado, one of today’s foremost medical illustrators.


      • Content guided by expert anatomists and educators: R. Shane Tubbs, Paul E. Neumann, Jennifer K. Brueckner-Collins, Martha Johnson Gdowski, Virginia T. Lyons, Peter J. Ward, Todd M. Hoagland, Brion Benninger, and an international Advisory Board.



      • Offers region-by-region coverage, including muscle table appendices at the end of each section and quick reference notes on structures with high clinical significance in common clinical scenarios.



      • Contains new illustrations by Dr. Machado including clinically important areas such as the pelvic cavity, temporal and infratemporal fossae, nasal turbinates, and more.



      • Features new nerve tables devoted to the cranial nerves and the nerves of the cervical, brachial, and lumbosacral plexuses.



      • Uses updated terminology based on the second edition of the international anatomic standard, Terminologia Anatomica, and includes common clinically used eponyms.



      • Provides access to digital content: over 100 bonus plates including illustrations from previous editions and over 300 multiple choice questions.



    Also available, alternative versions of the 8th Edition as main editions:

    • Netter Atlas of Human Anatomy: A Systems Approach—Same content as the classic regional approach, but organized by organ systems.

    • Netter Atlas of Human Anatomy: Classic Regional Approach with Latin terminology


    All options contain the same table information and same 550+ illustrated plates painted by clinician artists, Frank H. Netter, MD, and Carlos Machado, MD.

    Author Information
    By Frank H. Netter, MD
    Sh 6,188.00
  • Ross and Wilson Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Illness International Edition, 14th Edition

    Now in its fourteenth edition, this best-selling textbook has been honed over many years to provide a clear, straightforward introduction to the human body for students of nursing, allied health or biomedical and paramedical science.


    The book covers the core essentials of anatomy and physiology, including basic pathology and pathophysiology of important diseases and disorders. This new edition presents additional illustrations to enhance understanding of key concepts, including pathophysiology and diagnostics. Included for the first time is an introduction to surface anatomy, while other updating reflects current scientific knowledge and developments, including coronavirus. Enhanced learning features and an extensive online resource help you grasp all the important areas.


    Like millions of readers before you, you will treasure Ross & Wilson as a go-to resource that you will refer to time and again to support this critical aspect of your healthcare education.

    Key Features
      • Clear and easy to read – suitable for students new to the area and anyone whose first language is not English


      • Hundreds of stunning illustrations and images to make learning easy



      • Helpful learning features such as Learning Outcomes boxes, colour coding and orientation icons to facilitate navigation



      • Definitions of common prefixes, suffixes and roots, examples, glossary and an appendix of normal biological values



      • Self-assessment activities in each chapter, including ‘spot check’ questions for each section and case studies with answers to develop understanding of key principles



    • Accompanying website with animations, videos, audio-glossary and other self-assessment material

    Evolve Study Resources


    Online content offered with Ross & Wilson Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Illness 14th edition includes:



      • New for this edition – a set of expert-narrated 3D videos summarizing key topics in the book, powered by Complete Anatomy: the world’s most advanced 3D anatomy platform



      • Over 120 animations clarifying underlying principles and make learning fun



      • More than 1700 audio glossary entries



      • Body Spectrum © online colouring and self-test software



    • Self-assessment questions to help students test their knowledge
    Author Information
    By Anne Waugh, MSc CertEd SRN RNT FHEA, School of Acute and Continuing care Nursing, Napier University, Edinburgh, UK and Allison Grant, BSc PhD RGN, Department of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, UK
    Sh 7,000.00
  • Seller’s Midwifery 3e

    This third edition has been completely updated to bring it in line with the latest research in the eld, without losing those aspects readers have found to be the most useful, such as:

    – the accessible language style, which simpli es a complex subject

    – the many detailed line drawings that illustrate anatomy

    – the comprehensive nature of the book, which ensures that Sellers’ Midwifery covers the curriculum completely.

    Key features

    – Comprehensive student and lecturer support material is available, to assist the lecturer with lesson preparation and provide the student with additional opportuniti

    Sh 19,838.00