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  • Microbiology and Parasitology PMFU Paperback

    The third edition of the book is thoroughly updated and presented in new four-colour format. It highlights the important aspects of Medical Microbiology and Parasitology. It presents a concise exam-oriented text as per the guidelines of Medical Council of India and health universities across the country, and nearby countries.

    Designed specifically to meet the needs of the students pursuing undergraduate courses in Medical, Dental, Physiotherapy, Nursing, Pharmacy and Science.

    Silent Features

      • Maintained the basic pattern, followed for text in question–answer format which helps the students in quick learning and revision


      • Newer developments and revisions to keep up the text with the latest changes as per the undergraduates’ curriculum.


      • More emphasis on systemetic presentation of information, helps to recollect the things easily

      New to this Edition

        • Merged Parasitolgy section with Microbiology section within same page range in single book


        • Addition of many new coloured figures to facilitate greater retention of knowledge. Also replacement of earlier figures with newer coloured figures to make understanding better
    Sh 7,280.00