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  • Agricultural Law and Economics in Sub-Saharan Africa: Cases and Comments

    Agricultural Law in Sub-Saharan Africa: Cases and Comments introduces the subject of agricultural law and economics to researchers, practitioners, and students in common law countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, and presents information from the legal system in Botswana, Gambia, Ghana, Lesotho, Malawi, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. The law and economics approach entails the use of quantitative methods in research. This is consistent with the expectations in an applied economics field such as agricultural economics.

    Covering the general traditional law topics in contracts, torts, and property, the book goes further to introduce cutting-edge and region-relevant topics, including contracts with illiterate parties, contract farming, climate change, and transboundary water issues. The book is supported by an extensive list of reference materials, as well as study and enrichment exercises, to deepen readers’ understanding of the principles discussed in the book. It is a learning tool, first and foremost, and can be used as a stand-alone resource to teach the subject matter of agricultural law and economics to professionals new to the subject area as well as to students in law school, agricultural economics, economics, and inter-disciplinary classes.

    • Offers research findings on such topics as food safety, climate change, transboundary natural resources, international sale of goods, patents, and trademarks to highlight the future sources of pressure on the agriculture industry
    • Uses case-studies to provide real-world insights into the challenges and considerations of appropriate agricultural law development
    • Challenges readers to carry out their own research in their areas of study, and to gain some understanding of the relationship between law, economics, and statistics
    • Includes extensive resources, such as chapter summaries, study questions, and challenge questions at the end of each chapter to assist instructors and students in gaining full benefits from using the book
    • Provides separate instructor and student study guides, a test bank, and test bank answers, in hardcopy and electronic formats
    Sh 17,400.00
  • Agroforestry – The Future of Global Land Use (Advances in Agroforestry, 9)

    This volume contains a solid body of the current state of knowledge on the various themes and activities in agroforestry worldwide. It is organized into three sections: the Introduction section consists of the summaries of six keynote speeches at the 2nd World Congress of Agroforestry held in Nairobi, Kenya, in 2009; that is followed by two sections of peer-reviewed thematic chapters grouped as “Global Perspectives” (seven chapters) and “Regional Perspectives” (eleven chapters), authored by professional leaders in their respective agroforestry-related fields worldwide. A total of 130 professionals from institutions in 33 countries in both developing and the industrialized temperate regions of the world contributed to the book as chapter authors and/or reviewers. Thus, the book presents a comprehensive and authoritative account of the global picture of agroforestry today.

    Sh 21,000.00
  • Smith and Aitkenhead’s Textbook of Anaesthesia, 7th Edition

    This highly successful textbook is internationally renowned as a core text for trainee anaesthetists and is essential reading for candidates for the Fellowship of Royal College of Anaesthetists and similar examinations. The previous 6th edition was awarded First Prize at the BMA Medical Book awards.


    The book provides full coverage of the sciences underpinning practice in anaesthesia, critical care and pain management together with details of clinical anaesthesia and perioperative care. In combining these aspects, a generation of anaesthetists have found the textbook invaluable during the first few years of training as well as when preparing for the FRCA and similar professional examinations.


    The goal for this Seventh Edition has remained to equip the reader with the basic knowledge and practical considerations required to administer anaesthesia and perioperative care for a whole range of surgical conditions in patients with all common medical comorbidities. Reflecting the expanding role of anaesthesia beyond the operating theatre it also includes essential material related to safety and quality assurance, consent, resuscitation, intensive care medicine, pre-hospital care and chronic pain management.

    Sh 18,612.00
  • The Science of Agriculture: A Biological Approa

    THE SCIENCE OF AGRICULTURE: A BIOLOGICAL APPROACH, Fifth Edition, masterfully introduces the biological sciences and explores the influences of these sciences on modern agricultural practices and the agricultural industry. Reader-friendly and superbly illustrated, this highly practical text explains not only the �how� of agriculture, but also the �why� behind agriscience, presenting information on plant and animal systems, soils, cell functions, genetics, genetic engineering, plant and animal reproduction, entomology, biotechnology, and environmental concerns. Additionally, the text spotlights career opportunities and discusses new directions in agriculture, including topics such as no-till crops, high-pressure processing in food preservation, fracking, and more, to further engage you with today�s agricultural world.

    Sh 27,580.00