Agricultural Sustainability
Agricultural Sustainability starts with an overview of agricultural sustainability and the factors influencing the agricultural sustainability. As agricultural sustainability is all about understanding ecosystem services and can be seen as a study of relation between organisms and their respective environment, this text has been written to cover all these aspects. Further, sustainability in poultry and aquaculture has been described to broaden the research and potential of agricultural sustainability in arid and semi-arid areas has also been discussed.
Fighting the Banana Wars and Other Fairtrade Battles
It started very small and full of hope. But its daring campaigns have placed Fairtrade goods at the heart of the supermarket shelves. From bananas and coffee beans to cotton and chocolate, Fairtrade has grown to become an important global movement that has revolutionised the way we shop. As Harriet Lamb, Director of the Fairtrade Foundation, explains in this fascinating story, Fairtrade is about a better deal for workers and famers in the developing world.It’s about making sure the food on our plates, and shirts on our backs, don’t rob people in other countries of the means to feed or clothe themselves. She explores the journey, through an often unjust system, that Fairtrade items make from farm to consumer. And she uncovers the shocking cost of our demand for cheaper food. There is much still to be done. But by hard work and high ideals, Fairtrade is starting to transform the lives of over 7 million farmers, workers and their families, and is a powerful symbol of how extraordinary change can be achieved against all the odds – by us all.
The 30 Day MBA in Marketing: Your Fast Track Guide to Business Success
The 30 Day MBA in Marketing provides a complete marketing ‘course’ spanning twelve disciplinary areas, and including such hot topics as Buyer behaviour, Marketing strategy, Promotion and advertising, Pricing, Managing the marketing organization and Marketing and the law. Each chapter includes at least one practical real life example to illustrate how marketing concepts apply to business decision making. Learn what they teach you on professional marketing courses and at the world’s top Business Schools and why it matters to you; eliminate gaps in your marketing knowledge and take part in business decision making on an equal footing with MBA graduates or your company marketing director. This book includes detailed information on how to find and analyse market data on any business or market anywhere and online appendices that provide an invaluable guide to finding further information and free resources on each topic covered.