From the land of Pashtuns to the land of Maa
About the author (2013)
Muzzafar Juma Khan was born in Nairobi in 1941 and spent the first 5 years of his life in a remote location of Maasailand in Ngorengore, a small trading center. He joined the Kenya Farmer’s Association (KFA) in 1957 and served all over Kenya. He retired after 29 years of service in 1986 as General Manager of KGGCU. He briefly served as chairman of KFA in 2003. He also served as nominated councillor in the Nakuru Municipal Council from 1983 to 1992. He currently lives and works in Nairobi. “From the land of Pushtans to the land of Maa” is his first book.
Sh 1,650.00
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