A Complete Hospital Manual of Instruments and Procedures Paperback

Infection Control, Sterilization and Care of Surgical Instruments Electrical Instruments―Laser, Cryoprobes, Ultrasonic Equipments The OR Complex, Its Management and Operation Table Anesthesia Equipment and Anesthetics Ligature and Suture Materials Operating Microscopes Endoscopy General Surgical Instruments General Surgical Sets and Procedures Gynecological and Obstetric Sets and Procedures Urologic Sets and Procedures Endocrine Surgery Procedures Orthopedic Instruments Sets and Procedures Ophthalmic Instruments and Procedures Dental Instruments and Procedures Ear, Nose & Throat Instruments and Procedures Neurosurgical Instruments and Procedures Plastic Surgery Instruments and Procedures Thoracic Instruments and Procedures Cardiovascular Instruments and Procedures Pediatric Surgery Procedures and Instruments Imaging Procedures and Equipment Plaster of Paris (POP) Technique New Emerging Techniques Appendices I to VI


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Infection Control, Sterilization and Care of Surgical Instruments Electrical Instruments―Laser, Cryoprobes, Ultrasonic Equipments The OR Complex, Its Management and Operation Table Anesthesia Equipment and Anesthetics Ligature and Suture Materials Operating Microscopes Endoscopy General Surgical Instruments General Surgical Sets and Procedures Gynecological and Obstetric Sets and Procedures Urologic Sets and Procedures Endocrine Surgery Procedures Orthopedic Instruments Sets and Procedures Ophthalmic Instruments and Procedures Dental Instruments and Procedures Ear, Nose & Throat Instruments and Procedures Neurosurgical Instruments and Procedures Plastic Surgery Instruments and Procedures Thoracic Instruments and Procedures Cardiovascular Instruments and Procedures Pediatric Surgery Procedures and Instruments Imaging Procedures and Equipment Plaster of Paris (POP) Technique New Emerging Techniques Appendices I to VI

SKU: ‎ 978-8180615467


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