An Introduction to Medical Statistics 4th Revised ed. Edition

Now in its Third Edition, An Introduction to Medical Statistics contin ues to be and invaluable textbook for medical students, doctors, medic al researchers, nurses, members of professionals allied to medicine as well as those concerned with medical data. The material covered inclu des all the statistical work that would be required for a course in me dicine and for the examinations of most of the Royal Colleges. It incl udes the design of clinical trials and epidemiological studies, data c ollection, summarizing and presenting data, probability, standard erro r, confidence intervals and significance tests, techniques of data ana lusis including multifactorial methods and the choice of statistical m ethod, problems of medical measurement and diagnosis, vital statistics, and calculation of sample size.


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Now in its Third Edition, An Introduction to Medical Statistics contin ues to be and invaluable textbook for medical students, doctors, medic al researchers, nurses, members of professionals allied to medicine as well as those concerned with medical data. The material covered inclu des all the statistical work that would be required for a course in me dicine and for the examinations of most of the Royal Colleges. It incl udes the design of clinical trials and epidemiological studies, data c ollection, summarizing and presenting data, probability, standard erro r, confidence intervals and significance tests, techniques of data ana lusis including multifactorial methods and the choice of statistical m ethod, problems of medical measurement and diagnosis, vital statistics, and calculation of sample size.

SKU: 978-0199589920

Martin Bland

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