This Ninth Edition contains extensive updates, with new cases relevant for students anxious to acquire practical knowledge that can be quickly put to use when they enter the profession. To use one example, Chapter 5, that deals with liability insurance, adds substantial new text on the duty to defend, including the Texas Supreme Court’s 2020 decision in Richards v. State Farm Lloyds. Chapter 5 also augments its coverage of multi-insurer allocation of liability with the addition of the California Supreme Court’s 2020 decision in Montrose Chemical Corp. of California v. Superior Court. Chapter 5 also has numerous new notes on almost every aspect of liability insurance. In addition to new cases, the Ninth Edition has been edited to add notes dealing with a variety of cutting-edge issues. This edition also incorporates numerous references to the American Law Institute’s Restatement of the Law of Liability Insurance. References to the Restatement are not confined to Chapter 5 inasmuch as the Restatement addresses a few subjects that lie beyond the confines of pure liability insurance issues. In short, the Ninth Edition brings students and instructors up to date.
Cases and Materials on Insurance Law
This Ninth Edition contains extensive updates, with new cases relevant for students anxious to acquire practical knowledge that can be quickly put to use when they enter the profession.
Sh 34,760.00
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