David and Goliath: Art of Battling Giants (A)

His most enjoyable book so far. It is a feel-good extravaganza, nourishing both heart and mind. Each of its stories…has an ending that is both happy and surprising. What ostensibly unites the stories are the twin ideas that an advantage can sometimes be a disadvantage and that a disadvantage can sometimes be an advantage. Yet there is something more powerful and uplifting that also links them. It is that good beats bad – just when you least expected it. – Financial Time.


Sh 1,195.00

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His most enjoyable book so far. It is a feel-good extravaganza, nourishing both heart and mind. Each of its stories…has an ending that is both happy and surprising. What ostensibly unites the stories are the twin ideas that an advantage can sometimes be a disadvantage and that a disadvantage can sometimes be an advantage. Yet there is something more powerful and uplifting that also links them. It is that good beats bad – just when you least expected it. – Financial Time.

SKU: 9780141978956

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