Changes in the organization of health services in developing countries have led to district levels assuming more responsibility for the planning, delivery and quality of community health care. This fully up-dated new edition has been produced to help those working in the district laboratory, and those responsible for the organization and management of community laboratory services and the training of district laboratory personnel. Replacing the previous publication Medical Laboratory Manual for Tropical Countries, this book provides an up-to-date practical bench manual, taking a modern approach to the provision of a quality medical laboratory service.
District Laboratory Practice in Tropical Countries
Changes in the organization of health services in developing countries have led to district levels assuming more responsibility for the planning, delivery and quality of community health care. This fully up-dated new edition has been produced to help those working in the district laboratory, and those responsible for the organization and management of community laboratory services and the training of district laboratory personnel. Replacing the previous publication Medical Laboratory Manual for Tropical Countries, this book provides an up-to-date practical bench manual, taking a modern approach to the provision of a quality medical laboratory service.
Sh 21,420.00
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- Research Focus boxes emphasize research with concise reviews of important evidence.
- Nursing Alerts provides critical information that must be considered in providing care.
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