The book under title ‘Nursing Foundation: Concepts and Perspectives’ has been written in lucid style, simple language and with goal-oriented outlook. It will help the students of undergraduate nursing programme at the post basic level which is a broad based education within an academic framework, to develop understanding of philosophy, objectives, responsibilities of nursing profession; to build upon the skills and competence acquired at the diploma level. It will orient them to the current concepts involved in practice of nursing and developments in nursing profession; direct to upgrade their critical thinking skills, competencies and standards required for practice of professional nursing and to follow nursing process. This book provides up-to-date information in accordance with the latest syllabus prescribed to them and they will be able to identify professional, ethical, and legal aspects of nursing profession, current trends in health and nursing and steps of nursing process. Each chapter deals with a specific aspect of foundation of nursing with complete clarity of expression, simplicity to exposition, intensive text and adequate illustrative material in the form of diagrams, flow charts and tables followed by key points, chapter end questions comprising of essay type questions, short answer questions and multiple choice questions at the end of each chapter. The chapters have been sequenced to facilitate ease and continuity in reading and understanding, and at the end of each chapter, related references have been given as suggested reading.
Nursing Foundation: Concepts and Perspectives
The book under title ‘Nursing Foundation: Concepts and Perspectives’ has been written in lucid style, simple language and with goal-oriented outlook. It will help the students of undergraduate nursing programme at the post basic level which is a broad based education within an academic framework, to develop understanding of philosophy, objectives, responsibilities of nursing profession; to build upon the skills and competence acquired at the diploma level. It will orient them to the current concepts involved in practice of nursing and developments in nursing profession; direct to upgrade their critical thinking skills, competencies and standards required for practice of professional nursing and to follow nursing process. This book provides up-to-date information in accordance with the latest syllabus prescribed to them and they will be able to identify professional, ethical, and legal aspects of nursing profession, current trends in health and nursing and steps of nursing process. Each chapter deals with a specific aspect of foundation of nursing with complete clarity of expression, simplicity to exposition, intensive text and adequate illustrative material in the form of diagrams, flow charts and tables followed by key points, chapter end questions comprising of essay type questions, short answer questions and multiple choice questions at the end of each chapter. The chapters have been sequenced to facilitate ease and continuity in reading and understanding, and at the end of each chapter, related references have been given as suggested reading.
Author | Jogindra Vati (Author) |
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