Operational Risk Management Paperback

Operational Risk is one of the important arms of the risk management triangle, the other two being Credit Risk and Market (Treasury) Risk. Any organisation, particularly in the banking sector, is squarely exposed to operational risks emanating within or outside the organisation.There was no precise definition of operational risk until Basel Accord II came into being in June 2004. For the first time in the history of global banking, operational risk capital charge has been made a mandatory requirement in banking. This certainly puts in a lot of stress and strain on a bank’s management. The entire gamut of operational risk has been visited and covered in the appropriate chapters of this book.


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Operational Risk is one of the important arms of the risk management triangle, the other two being Credit Risk and Market (Treasury) Risk. Any organisation, particularly in the banking sector, is squarely exposed to operational risks emanating within or outside the organisation.There was no precise definition of operational risk until Basel Accord II came into being in June 2004. For the first time in the history of global banking, operational risk capital charge has been made a mandatory requirement in banking. This certainly puts in a lot of stress and strain on a bank’s management. The entire gamut of operational risk has been visited and covered in the appropriate chapters of this book.

SKU: 9788179929056

S.K. Bagchi

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